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and thus it begins...

...because it takes
some time to realize
your own worth
come into your own
play your
mental rebirth...

for a while now all i've wanted to do is write.

because life will always show you the way. and when we feel as if we have no idea where we are going. it is only because we are not opening our eyes to all the messages that surround us. the ear is not the only organ meant for listening. the eye... not all we must learn to see with.

i forget that sometimes.
discount the signs that are sent down to me. rebel against the plan. not accepting that things happen. not always how i want them to, but how they should. forgetting makes me hold when i should let go. stay... when i should leave. stress about the little things... when i should bask in the glory of what the future has in store for me.

because life is not about stagnation.

it grows and it breathes and most changes. and i see that in everything. in the people that enter my life. in those that walk out of it. in situations that arise when least expected. the random book pulled from the shelf... that falls open to words seemingly written for me.

i see it all around me. pushing me towards where i need to go. but i've always been afflicted with forgetfulness... and so i write. not always from the point in time that i'm at... but from the destination i'm striving to reach.

it reminds me of my path. so that i may never stray too far again.

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