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so yeah. im about to add in all my old poetry. so anything dated earlier than yesterday... is all going to be old scrawls an schtuff.

andre 3000 - 11.11.04
night.journey - 11.22.04
traversing love's landscape - 11.29.04
l'ocean du verbe - 12.07.04
game over - 12.09.04
you a.muse (to) me - 12.12.04
9th ward blues - 1.07.05
on how to cheat time - 1.08.05
immaculate.possession - 1.26.05
10.words - 2.04.05
10.words - 2.06.05
nature.beauty.disaster - 2.06.05
split.decision - 2.10.05
10.words - 3.07.05
dali :: picture exercise - 3.09.05
10.words - 3.18.05
untitled - 3.21.05
revolver - 3.22.05
10 words - 3.23.05
writing for sanity - 3.23.05
last night's dream - 3.25.05
10.words - 3.31.05
hand-me-down exoskeleton - 5.15.05
uprooted - 5.23.05
stream (a collab) - 5.25.05
empty - 6.11.05
A Journey of Rebirth - 8.09.05
to all the men i've loved before . pt1 - 9.05.05
song of the trees - 9.10.05
to all the men i've loved before . pt2 - 9.12.05
9th ward blues pt 2 - 9.14.05
i found her - 10.26.05
to all the men i've loved before . pt3 - 11.10.05
[dare] woe this wretch'd night - 11.20.05
vent. - 2.20.06
white.hot - 2.23.06
night music - 3.04.06
new orleans part 317 - 3.07.06
learning to breathe - 3.11.06
understood. - 7.04.06
a dream. - 11.29.06
gris-gris - 7.4.07
to the girl in the delta terminal at SLC - 7.13.07
a lesson in discordance. - 7.13.07
she, in three stages. - 7.23.07
borderline.love - 7.26.07
a happy poem - 7.29.07
tangerines and perspiration - 8.15.07
a rant. (or, stories that won't be seen on the news at 11) - 9.1.07
seven days of reflection pt 1 - 9.23.07
seven days of reflection pt 2 - 1.2.08
heal. 1.26.08
seven days of reflection pt 3 - 1.26.08
singe - 2.3.08
the final reflection (pt 4) - 2.25.08
terminus - 3.8.08
looking backwards over shoulders - 3.15.08
when hope forgets to float
- 3.17.08
beautiful possibility - 3.17.08
stolen property - 3.19.08

60 days. 100 poems.
30 days.1 :: week 1 - 6.6.08-6.12.08
30 days.1 :: week 2 - 6.13.08-6.19.08
30 days.1 :: week 3 - 6.20.08-6.26.08
30 days.1 :: week 4 - 6.28.08-7.06.08
30 days.2 :: week 1 - 7.12.08-7.18.08
30 days.2 :: week 2 - 7.19.08-7.25.08
30 days.2 :: week 3 - 7.26.08-8.1.08
30 days.2 :: week 4 - 8.2.08-8.13.08

slip - 9.18.08
love song for ghengis khan. - 9.21.08
lose myself. - 10.15.08
the awakening. - 10.24.08
fairytale. - 10.31.08
arkham. - 11.7.08
terminus deux. - 11.13.08
sex drunk. - 11.21.08
mystery of mine. - 11.26.08
hostage. - 12.13.08
lady sings the blues. - 12.28.08
for tomorrow. - 1.16.09
a few steps behind. - 2.1.09
retribution on a sunday afternoon - 2.1.09
bangkok belladonna - 2.8.09
for tomorrow. pt 2 - 2.23.09
cutting ties. - 3.1.09
a reaction to chains. - 3.30.09
what i will buy. - 4.20.09
oz. - 4.26.09
time out. - 5.9.09
ophelia, reimagined. - 5.17.09
changing tides. - 5.29.09
stationary stars. - 5.30.09
fall out. - 6.10.09
a song for you. - 6.14.09
a moment. - 6.23.09
when hope is gone. - 6.28.09
sati. - 7.6.09
summer's sixth sense. - 7.21.09
9th ward blues pt 5 - 7.26.09
strawberry fields soliloquy. - 8.2.09
no woman no cry. - 8.17.09
lunar.she - 10.4.09
his.story - 10.12.09
aftermath. - 10.18.09
the book of you. - 10.27.09
descend. - 11.2.09
love song from Pompeii. - 11.24.09
glosoli. - 11.30.09
partake in thy demise. - 12.7.09
worship. - 12.21.09
earthquake weather. - 1.12.10
challenge :: villanelle - 1.14.10

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