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from the free.write exercise...

sheets twisted like snakes
swirling between interlocked legs
gripping each other
while he crawled into her skin
lust-filled gentleness of ferocity
kisses bitten into the curves of neck
his touch
ignited embers under satin coverings
her body
turned vessel for convection of heat
radiating like fingers
that dug into tense muscles


they melted into each other
two molten souls smoldering in candlelit shadows
volcanic eruptions
emitting crescendoes of eroticism


it has been said
fire at the highest of temperatures
burns cold

and as they clung to each other
blanketed only in exhaustion
their bodies shivered, like passion, along the beds frame

1 Responses to “white.hot”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Parts of this strike me as familiar. Particularly in this segment:

    "sheets twisted like snakes
    swirling between interlocked legs"

    Because the bondage of twisting motions and bent backs, really does have that supple feel of coiled muscle, tying its limbs passion up into its snare.

    Seems that the concept of steam is a common theme for you of late. When in reality, with the duality of your personality, is actually quite fitting. In that between the two extremes, the boiling is found, and sent upwards into a translucent vapor.

    You have always written erotica wonderfully. Twisting meanings into the kind of gut deep visceral response of its painted scenery.

    So thank you for sharing. And doing the exercise sunshine.

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