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Drown deep in the silence of hours
where tomorrow steps away
and the day
presses itself into infinity.
This is the time of madness.
Of pages torn
from books with no end,
puzzles with no corner to begin with,
and a canvas
marred by tears.

Here is where we fall apart;
no start to return to,
the twisted path of discontent
where only shadows are familiar.

Stagnation passes through veins
like molasses.
Slow movements,
but thoughts erratic.
Drowning in time
with no destination to cling to,
no shore to swim towards,
only watery graves
where the temptation to stay
clings to limbs like a noose.

When tomorrow steps away,
the days forget their meaning.
Time arrests itself
in the shadow of doubt,
lulled into submission
by voices that whisper

This is all there is.
Give in.

Sink down deep
into the hidden spaces
where even the strongest forget their names.

This is the place you come to
when the windows close like eyes
and block the light from creeping in.
This is the day
from which even tomorrow steps away
and only the heaviness of nothing remains,
pressing down like a weight,
forcing you

to descend.

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