[dare] Woe This Wretched Night
11.11.2005 by
miss.abi | E-mail this
((.((from the
i dare you game!)).))
Woe this night, when stars doth darken,
When thine life blood runneth no more.
Curse this eve, when rivers no longer floweth
When oceans waves cease to lap at beaches shore.
Behold, the end to life's fair blessings
As with bow'd head my best friend I mourn.
O, gentle Peaches, thy fur shall ne'er again warm my hand
Thy delicate whiskers shall brush my face no more.
Lo! This tragic night, when Heaven doth open'd her gates
To welcome the returneth of her tiniest angel through her hallow'd doors
Peaches, my sweet friend, o, how you I have betrayeth
For 'gainst thyself, murder I have perform'd
While betwixt mine foot and the ground below
Thine tiny hamster heart finally slow'd.
R.I.P Peaches.

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