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a collab. with a friend. this is how poets flirt ;)

Tonguesalutestotheclitorismakingbreastsswellpasttheleveloffullofsoulbutlovewillriselikeanobeliskanddrenchyourdesertwithobsidianrainbringyourrainstomyplaneofexistenceandsaturatemydesertexpanselikesummerraininthesouthstickywetandyetsohottothetouch Heatedtillurdropsevaporateuponyourthighsbeforetheyhitmytongueblessesmyvibrantsmilenourishedbyyourriversinwhichilayfreeflowingdeeplylikethoughtbaptizedinyourholinessofheatedpassiontakingplacehearuponmylipslipsfilledwithfireofpassionturningenergykineticbetweenmythighswhilehandsalightonsmoothlandscapesofskinwithinandaroundpullingfaceupwardstomeetwitheyesdeepfromhungeranddamnyoukeep
makingmelaughbutletmegetbacktothetaskathandi'lltakeyourhandsinthedarknessconductorsofheattravellingupwards Canitastethecloudsthatdwelluponthefeignedplaneofexistencewherethebloodrushingtoyourinisculemountaintopmakingyourverticalpallettescreamcolorsofpsychadelicrainbowsadihaventevengottenpastyouwaistlineofcourseyoucanconsumethesyrupypoolsmybodydroolsforyouarchingbackandstretchinglegstautmuscles


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he arrived on the breath
of a south-bound wind
tumble weed blown into
dry desert space
bringing his love rain
to my
of existence
how he made me bloom in
crayola colors, 256
made petals once clung tight in fear
unfold arms to embrace his light
spread open wide and
feeling everything at once
and with delicate fingers
he plucked my stem
uprooted the past and
gave me legs to walk on
through emerald fields
filled with amethyst
across the lunar sea
of destiny's moon
and I was wrapped up
in his technicolor dream coat
the shawl of our future
pulled tight 'round shoulders
to keep out the cold
until the storms came
and I sought shelter in his house of glass
running down endless hallways
thoughts dragging fingers 'cross
crumbling frescoes
searching in vain for
mirrored reflections
of that part of me
which has become him
clutching at illusions
with fingers slowly dissolving
I sink into darkness
enveloped by its cold
I reach for him in the night
trying to form
from its emptiness
from its silence
grasping for
something to hold onto
to keep myself from falling
from off this pedestal
atop which he left me

hand-me-down exoskeleton

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she envies their
hard shells. no their

mouths the word
as if

by virtue of its' saying
she would
grow one of her own...

head cocked
to the angle of 5:25 as
caterpillar ringlets
snake from a cigarette
lit more so for companionship
than addiction

she sits on her stoop
contemplating the world
from the bottom step tonight
because that
suits her mood…
closer to the only concrete she has
come to know

feet stomp
to keep the roaches at bay

"silly creatures"

she laughs
as they scatter
she envies their hard shells
mouths the word
as if by virtue of its' saying
she would
grow one of her own

spoke about it to her kids today
in their
science lesson
forgot to tell them
not only arthropods need protection like that

"Mr. Hughes, look at them raisins they're raisin'!"

her heart, heavy.
her head,
filled with all their dreams
back-up copies she keeps
should they forget to save them
like she
forgot to save her own

like she
became accustomed to swamp water
forgot she was queen
and rewrote the definition
of contentment.
turned love into a knife
that stabbed her
late each night in spaces dark enough
so they wouldn't see her tears

different blades
always the same wound
eating at her until
she could no longer find
in mirrored reflections
of a lost little girl
another bloated body
in ol' man river
but she

"must keep rollin'
she can't stop rollin'

i look at her and cry
fat alligator tears
streaking the pages of memory
until paint
from canvas
wondering if
the ends justified the means
of my
affirming to myself that
my king and i
we will not raise some
lose herself
thinks she's nothing
affirming to the world that
when we fill it with life
she will shine
from her own light
that no darkness can hide

no, my daughter will not be
forced to repeat the same cycle
broken dreams
broken hearts
fractured sense of self
she will need not
pull herself from the claws of
kicked to the bottom just so she can
learn to see the light
i performed my penance
in tears
pinned memories to mile markers
stretching down interstate 10
paid it forward so that
she will start with a balance to draw upon


what good is the journey
if lessons learned
are not passed on

aboot lowercase

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you should click this:

because he is awesome.

this is his latest venture:

and you should click that because that is awesome as well.

now gimme my $5 jobu.


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so yeah. im about to add in all my old poetry. so anything dated earlier than yesterday... is all going to be old scrawls an schtuff.

andre 3000 - 11.11.04
night.journey - 11.22.04
traversing love's landscape - 11.29.04
l'ocean du verbe - 12.07.04
game over - 12.09.04
you a.muse (to) me - 12.12.04
9th ward blues - 1.07.05
on how to cheat time - 1.08.05
immaculate.possession - 1.26.05
10.words - 2.04.05
10.words - 2.06.05 - 2.06.05
split.decision - 2.10.05
10.words - 3.07.05
dali :: picture exercise - 3.09.05
10.words - 3.18.05
untitled - 3.21.05
revolver - 3.22.05
10 words - 3.23.05
writing for sanity - 3.23.05
last night's dream - 3.25.05
10.words - 3.31.05
hand-me-down exoskeleton - 5.15.05
uprooted - 5.23.05
stream (a collab) - 5.25.05
empty - 6.11.05
A Journey of Rebirth - 8.09.05
to all the men i've loved before . pt1 - 9.05.05
song of the trees - 9.10.05
to all the men i've loved before . pt2 - 9.12.05
9th ward blues pt 2 - 9.14.05
i found her - 10.26.05
to all the men i've loved before . pt3 - 11.10.05
[dare] woe this wretch'd night - 11.20.05
vent. - 2.20.06 - 2.23.06
night music - 3.04.06
new orleans part 317 - 3.07.06
learning to breathe - 3.11.06
understood. - 7.04.06
a dream. - 11.29.06
gris-gris - 7.4.07
to the girl in the delta terminal at SLC - 7.13.07
a lesson in discordance. - 7.13.07
she, in three stages. - 7.23.07 - 7.26.07
a happy poem - 7.29.07
tangerines and perspiration - 8.15.07
a rant. (or, stories that won't be seen on the news at 11) - 9.1.07
seven days of reflection pt 1 - 9.23.07
seven days of reflection pt 2 - 1.2.08
heal. 1.26.08
seven days of reflection pt 3 - 1.26.08
singe - 2.3.08
the final reflection (pt 4) - 2.25.08
terminus - 3.8.08
looking backwards over shoulders - 3.15.08
when hope forgets to float
- 3.17.08
beautiful possibility - 3.17.08
stolen property - 3.19.08

60 days. 100 poems.
30 days.1 :: week 1 - 6.6.08-6.12.08
30 days.1 :: week 2 - 6.13.08-6.19.08
30 days.1 :: week 3 - 6.20.08-6.26.08
30 days.1 :: week 4 - 6.28.08-7.06.08
30 days.2 :: week 1 - 7.12.08-7.18.08
30 days.2 :: week 2 - 7.19.08-7.25.08
30 days.2 :: week 3 - 7.26.08-8.1.08
30 days.2 :: week 4 - 8.2.08-8.13.08

slip - 9.18.08
love song for ghengis khan. - 9.21.08
lose myself. - 10.15.08
the awakening. - 10.24.08
fairytale. - 10.31.08
arkham. - 11.7.08
terminus deux. - 11.13.08
sex drunk. - 11.21.08
mystery of mine. - 11.26.08
hostage. - 12.13.08
lady sings the blues. - 12.28.08
for tomorrow. - 1.16.09
a few steps behind. - 2.1.09
retribution on a sunday afternoon - 2.1.09
bangkok belladonna - 2.8.09
for tomorrow. pt 2 - 2.23.09
cutting ties. - 3.1.09
a reaction to chains. - 3.30.09
what i will buy. - 4.20.09
oz. - 4.26.09
time out. - 5.9.09
ophelia, reimagined. - 5.17.09
changing tides. - 5.29.09
stationary stars. - 5.30.09
fall out. - 6.10.09
a song for you. - 6.14.09
a moment. - 6.23.09
when hope is gone. - 6.28.09
sati. - 7.6.09
summer's sixth sense. - 7.21.09
9th ward blues pt 5 - 7.26.09
strawberry fields soliloquy. - 8.2.09
no woman no cry. - 8.17.09
lunar.she - 10.4.09
his.story - 10.12.09
aftermath. - 10.18.09
the book of you. - 10.27.09
descend. - 11.2.09
love song from Pompeii. - 11.24.09
glosoli. - 11.30.09
partake in thy demise. - 12.7.09
worship. - 12.21.09
earthquake weather. - 1.12.10
challenge :: villanelle - 1.14.10

ATOM 0.3