a collab. with a friend. this is how poets flirt ;)
Tonguesalutestotheclitorismakingbreastsswellpasttheleveloffullofsoulbutlovewillriselikeanobeliskanddrenchyourdesertwithobsidianrainbringyourrainstomyplaneofexistenceandsaturatemydesertexpanselikesummerraininthesouthstickywetandyetsohottothetouch Heatedtillurdropsevaporateuponyourthighsbeforetheyhitmytongueblessesmyvibrantsmilenourishedbyyourriversinwhichilayfreeflowingdeeplylikethoughtbaptizedinyourholinessofheatedpassiontakingplacehearuponmylipslipsfilledwithfireofpassionturningenergykineticbetweenmythighswhilehandsalightonsmoothlandscapesofskinwithinandaroundpullingfaceupwardstomeetwitheyesdeepfromhungeranddamnyoukeep
makingmelaughbutletmegetbacktothetaskathandi'lltakeyourhandsinthedarknessconductorsofheattravellingupwards Canitastethecloudsthatdwelluponthefeignedplaneofexistencewherethebloodrushingtoyourinisculemountaintopmakingyourverticalpallettescreamcolorsofpsychadelicrainbowsadihaventevengottenpastyouwaistlineofcourseyoucanconsumethesyrupypoolsmybodydroolsforyouarchingbackandstretchinglegstautmuscles
he arrived on the breath
of a south-bound wind
tumble weed blown into
dry desert space
bringing his love rain
to my
of existence
how he made me bloom in
crayola colors, 256
made petals once clung tight in fear
unfold arms to embrace his light
spread open wide and
feeling everything at once
and with delicate fingers
he plucked my stem
uprooted the past and
gave me legs to walk on
through emerald fields
filled with amethyst
across the lunar sea
of destiny's moon
and I was wrapped up
in his technicolor dream coat
the shawl of our future
pulled tight 'round shoulders
to keep out the cold
until the storms came
and I sought shelter in his house of glass
running down endless hallways
thoughts dragging fingers 'cross
crumbling frescoes
searching in vain for
mirrored reflections
of that part of me
which has become him
clutching at illusions
with fingers slowly dissolving
I sink into darkness
enveloped by its cold
I reach for him in the night
trying to form
from its emptiness
from its silence
grasping for
something to hold onto
to keep myself from falling
from off this pedestal
atop which he left me
you should click this:

because he is awesome.
this is his latest venture:

and you should click that because that is awesome as well.
now gimme my $5 jobu.